Saturday, October 20, 2007

Still Waitin'

Got to the shop and my tractor was ready, new tires, cold A/C, I'm a truckin bubba again!

Wait a minute, no power on the Qualcomm Computer, big time dead..

So, I'm back in the OC, and the truck is back in the shop.


Unknown said...

Hope that you slept tight for today you might be rolling.

Sheepish Annie said...

There is no despair like that of a truckin' bubba deprived of his Qualcomm Computer. 'Tis a woe that poets have tried to capture in verse since time immemorial.

May your QC be repaired in a timely fashion and your departure to parts elsewhere be swift!

Army_Wifey08 said...

I'm assuming the computer is important, kinda sucky that your truck is rebelling against's not dirty enough I say...good ol' off roading is needed...that always fixes our truck.

Army_Wifey08 said...

jackson says:
dont complain about your truck being dirty. sam is just like her mother. i clean it one day and Sam makes it muddy as hell for the rest of the week.