Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Well, I'm currently stuck in Laredo, TX waiting for a load to get me out of here. Laredo is a hard place to explain, it is much better experienced. Laredo is on the southern part of Texas, bordering Mexico and it's sister city Nuevo Laredo on the Mexican side.

The truck to car ratio here must be about 4:1. Between the US carriers bringing things to the border, the companies that shuttle the trailers across the border, and the Mexican drivers who make the deliveries on their side "of the fence", it is a semi-city if there ever was one!

There is really only one way in and out of here, I-35. Because of this, I have to wait for a load that is coming north from Mexico back into the states to get me rolling again. With the economy being a little slow, Laredo has become a FIFO location, First in First Out, there are about 40 Schneider trucks here ahead of me, so I wait my turn. At least I can shower, clean up, eat, and hang out online.

I have mentioned the food here on my previous postings, the locals will park their somewhat homemade kitchens outside of the OC's and cater to the drivers with fantastic Mexican food.
Taco Bell's got nuthin' on these people!

Well, I'm gonna brave the heat and go check the computer in my truck for a work order, hopefully, I'll be out for here soon!


Sheepish Annie said...

Hey, if you gotta be stuck you might as well be stuck with good Mexican food and a WiFi signal!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the food!! Probably just like your mother NEVER made. Cool here, but the rain has gone away for a few days.
Wednesday is the first day of school for the kids in Westbrook. We will be going to greet those hard working teachers, and tell them how wonderful retirement is!!
Hope you can hit the road soon,

Anonymous said...

I was stuck for a few hours in Laredo last week, and then I got a load of fiberglass I had to tarp in the rain... oh fun.

You hang out at the OC or fun a truck stop somewhere? Do the OCs have Wifi now? I'm a former pumpkin driver myself...

Army_Wifey08 said...

Well, I dont know if mom told you, but there is a possiblity that instead of moving ot colorado we would be moving to San Antonio, Tx. AKA, my house is open for you if you have a load there.

Army_Wifey08 said...

Those "Homemade kitchens" We call them roach coaches in california. They are all over the place.

Roadside Manners said...

Hey Dave, Yep all of the OC's have free WiFi now, filtered for your protection...of course!