Thursday, February 28, 2008

Back to reality

Life goes on, and I'm still rolling down the road. Currently, I'm at our Operating Center (OC) in Gary, IN preparing for my run to Canada. This has become routine at this point, I know how to prepare the paperwork and get things in order for the Customs people, so this should be just another day at the office.

Linda and I had a conference call with Samantha last night. Amazing to think I'm sitting in my truck in Wisconsin, Linda is in Maine, and Sam is in a hospital in California, and we are all talking like we are in the same room. (1970's technology, I know I know, but still really cool!) we could hear Jarrid in the background having a few words about wanting extra cheese on his pizza, or something like that... Again, very cool to hear the young 'un in the background. 10 fingers and 10 toes, everything else is academic.

I ran through some rough weather yesterday. I, for one, will be glad for spring! Not that I have had to shovel or snowplow much this year, but I think I have my own war stories from this winter.
I understand my sister is having some fun at my expense...
As with any sibling dump, time should be taken to plan my response. I do believe time is on my side here. I may be the proud grandparent, but she is still the ELDER of the two of us, and I can certainly understand her jealousy of my new-found status in life.
BFK and I are consulting at the moment to plan our next move...


Unknown said...

Careful!! Please plan this move after we get home--want to see how this works.You and BFK will surely make an outstanding team. Not sure how she will stand up to the two of you, but she will figure something out. Must say we have enjoyed seeing the pictures of Jarrid.
Have a safe trip into Canada, and let's get this snow out of your part of the country.

Sheepish Annie said...

Dunno what you're talking about. I've been sickly so I can't really remember much over the past few days. And the BFK is happy now...I went to The Greenies Store (other people call it the pet store) and stocked up on her favorite snacks. She loves me again!

Take it easy out there!