Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A child is born

So I was driving across Indiana yesterday, keeping a close eye on my cell phone, and waiting for the "bing" meaning a text message has arrived. Oh, and also keeping myself on the road during a windy lake-affect snowstorm.
Sure enough, the message comes in saying Samantha had her baby boy, Jarrid.

I understand that this is a time to focus on Mother and Child, but it has become an interesting time for me, at least in my little brain. Linda and I are getting married this year, which makes Sam my daughter, and Jarrid my grandson.

WOAH, grandson, holy crap!

Not that this is new news, we have had a few months to contemplate this whole deal, but now it is really here. It's kind of like having your drivers permit, you know you are going to get your license soon, but it doesn't feel all that real until it is in your grubby little fingers. The same logic applies to graduating High School or College. Granted I didn't have to put in the sweat time for Jarrid like I had to for the previously mentioned three, but the feeling of a fundamental life change taking place has still occurred.

I still don't know what that change will bring, but I do know that it will be for the better for everyone involved. I, for one, am looking forward to whatever challenge this next phase of life brings to me, and us.

Way to go Samantha, I know all you had to do was lay there and push a little, kinda like all I do is sit and drive around all day. I'm proud of you,

You're gonna be a great mom!


Anonymous said...

Best wishes to you and your about to be new family. You are right in that you are about to enter a brand new world.

Sheepish Annie said...

Not gonna lie to's funny when it happens to your little brother! I wish I could be a better person about this. I really do. But it is funny!!!! I can't help it...

That said, you know that I think you're going to be a super dad and an amazing grandpa. Congrats!!! Now lets set up a time when we can get together for a nice supper at 4:00 and be home in time to watch a few reruns of Murder She Wrote. ;)

Anonymous said...

Being a grandparent is the best! Congratulations.

Army_Wifey08 said...

technically I really didn't have to push at all...Jarrid wanted out so badly, he was pushing himself out with his feet.

Sorry about making you a automatic grandpa, but just think your sister is a GREAT aunt. which i think 'Great' implies more age. like great grandpa or great grandma, they are always older. but I think you will make a great papa or pepe or whatever you are being called; i know it's one of the two. can't wait to see everyone again!

ps. your doing a great job at being a dad. i couldn't ask for a better one.

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