Friday, January 18, 2008

Slow but steady

I've made it back to Carlisle, PA to pick up a load going home! Hannaford needs something and I'm just the guy to give it to 'em. I'm not going to get too complicated in how the D.O.T. rules work, but I can only work 70hrs every seven days, this is a rolling number, so on the 8th day, I get back the hours I worked seven days earlier.

I mention this because of my mad dash to Minnesota, which used up a whole bunch of hours. the problem now is I can't go anywhere until tomorrow, where I can only drive for 9 hours before I hit my max 70 hours in 7 days thing again, so, if all goes well I will be home by Sunday morning. The logistics of getting me home for time off is difficult to say the least, so I roll with the punches. After six weeks of driving, I'm not going to fight the issue.

On a good note, I took a three hour nap today, I think I could keep sleeping, but that would ruin a good nights sleep. When you think about it, working 70 hours a week (seven days) no matter what you do for a living, is a lot of time at work! Best to take the downtime before I do something dumb.

I started my day around 2am in Buffalo NY to get here. If you look on a map, there is no interstate that runs from Buffalo to Carlisle/Harrisburg PA. That leaves US 15 south.

A very pretty drive I'm sure during the day, with no snowstorm...

It is a steep mountainous pass that was covered with snow. Future I-99 written on signs I passed, well that will be WAY in the future I'm sure! For those of you that know anything about our interstate system, that would put I-99 in the Atlantic ocean somewhere! crazy...

I passed an overturned tanker on the north side of the road, which had that side of the road closed for miles. I made it without incident, but it was slow going. That's probably why the nap was in order as well.

Well, time to sit back and think about how I'm going to spend the money the President is going to give all of us... (subtle joke here)

Can't wait to get home.


Sheepish Annie said...

I took a nap today, too! But it was only an hour. I just can't compete with baby brother...

Unknown said...

Certainly hope that Sunday night finds you sleeping in your own bed. Enjoy the time off, and get some rest.