Saturday, July 14, 2007

Already forgetting my Password...

Here it is Sat. the 14th, a sunny day in PA. Thank god... I loaded in Brooklyn N.Y. yesterday. As I'm sure some people know, driving a car in Brooklyn is hard enough. Driving something almost 70 feet long, and over 13 feet high in there is a nightmare. I had to pick up a load of clothing at what I'm sure is some kind of sweat shop.

All these little trucks are darting in and out of this place, and here comes big orange! ready to clog up a whole city street for what turned into a three hour loading. The drivers in New York were patient and pleasant, as only people from New York can be.

This is my first load in NYC. Hopefully my last for a while!

You will have to excuse the photo quality, I am using my phone to take them. maybe I will step it up in the future.

Yep, that's my big 'ole nose poking out in the street!


Unknown said...

Found it! Dad

Unknown said...

This looks like Bridge Street at the mattress factory.

Sheepish Annie said...

Nice! Welcome to the blogosphere. I look forward to traveling with you. It's not like I'm going to get out of the house any other way...

A. Priscilla said...

Looking forward to following you and your travels. Let us know if you are headed down Route 95 South in Va.

A. Priscilla

Anonymous said...

Hi Baby Brother Sheep! Can you guess where I came from?

Welcome to Bloglandia - it won't be long before you'll find yourself thinking "I need to blog about this" whenever any little thing happens in your life. It's an addiction, I tell ya.

So, where are we headed after PA?

kmkat said...

Hi, BBS -- Annie told us about you. Now you will be hounded by yarn freaks wanting to know what are the best yarn shops coast to coast.

I drove a Dodge conversion van into Lower Manhattan once to pick up my son at his *dorm* -- really a high rise apartment building that NYU had bought for student housing. It was a couple blocks from Wall Street, down there where the streets are really, really narrow and there is a lot more traffic than we have in northern WI. I hope to never do that again. All that is to say I have the utmost respect for your talents and adventurous spirit!

Sheepish Annie said...

The yarn shops!!! I didn't even think of that! OK, here's how we're gonna have to handle this: I'll confer with my peeps and put together a comprehensive list of the yarns we're looking for. That seems like the most efficient way to do this. Maybe I could do something like a database.

I'll get back to you...

Roadside Manners said...

Good thing I don't move animals! I have passed a lot of sheep grazing in the great oudoors. Maybe one would fit in the trailer!