Saturday, December 29, 2007

Watching the wheels go round and round...

Hello from the road, I am back behind the wheel after a rather exhausting time at home. This was supposed to be a three day stop for Christmas on the 24th through the 26th. Unfortunately, I had to drive from midnight to 7am on the 24th to get home on time. The 25th is always a mad dash to see everyone and eat way too much good food, which leads to nappy time!

On the 26th I was asked to help save a load that had been left at a truck stop in Maine. It only had to be delivered 100 miles or so north, but the original driver had left it to go home for the holidays. For reference, this is a fantastic way to lose your job! I was asked if I could complete the run, and I agreed to do so. The hard part was it needed to be delivered at 8am I had to get up around 3am to make this work, so nappy time from Christmas day was cut a little short. I drove to the truckstop and coupled to the trailer, which the original driver had left pushed against a snowbank, and pulled it out a few feet to get to the rear of the trailer to check my lights. I went to drive away, and all I did was spin. I had parked on a sheet of ice.

Did I mention it was about 10 degrees? Brrrr. %$#@! trailer.

After 30 minutes I got underway, and made it to my stop, thankfully on time for a live unload. This is where I back up to a loading dock and people unload the trailer while I wait. This was a load of windows that had to be carried by hand off the truck which took hours to complete.

I got back home that afternoon, and took the rest of the day off. The next morning, Linda and I were up at 3am to go to Boston to pick up Samantha at the airport, another early morning, followed by a fabulous nap! Even my days at home are surrounded by being on the road.

So, here I am, back in the truck. I picked up a load of paper in Maine, which I delivered to the OC in Pennsylvania.

It's good to be back to work....maybe I can get some sleep!

Back in the "pumpkin patch"


Sheepish Annie said...

I went to the movies with Linda and Samm today and thought they looked very well rested! Hmmm...

Drive safely!

MRMacrum said...

I made trucking my life for over 17 years. 12 of them over the road. They could not pay me enough to go back to it. Yet, I still hold onto some odd and fond memories of my time behind the wheel fighting four wheelers for my space on the super slab.

Good luck with your new career. Keep those logs current. I was always eating fines because I didn't.

Found your blog while looking for fellow Mainers with blogs.

Roadside Manners said...

I've driven off and on for Local companies, Oakhurst Dairy, Lowes, and excavating companies for years, nothing prepared me for this kind of job! I am enjoying it though.

MRMacrum said...

Yeah, Trucking is seductive. I will admit it was not all bad. Had some of the most interesting experiences I will ever have in my life. But for most of us who did it, there is a burn out point. I reached mine.

And You are right, there is a world of difference between driving every day and sleeping in your own bed than driving everyday and waking up in the sleeper.

Have fun.